The story revolves around two money-hungry friends, Kanhaiya and Rocky, who get trapped in the international adult film industry. They are in a quandary when Kanhaiya's lady love, Shalu, wants to meet his family to take their relationship further. The challenge is to convince Shalu's 'Sanskaari Babuji' and 'Suspicious Bua' that Kanhaiya has a cultured and perfect Indian family. They are left with no choice but to use the members of the adult film set that they are on. The comic angle heightens when the boys hilariously maneuver Shalu and her family into believing fake identities, resulting in misunderstandings, strange hook-ups and unwanted intimacy. The characters' attempt to transform from horny to homely, sexy to sophisticated and erotic to elegant, will have the audience in splits.
Special Features
Kyaa naughty hain hum
Kool Condom Challenge
Hot Photo Shoot
Launch of the Film
Note: Ce film peut bénéficier d'un DVD Additionnel (optionnel) avec le sous-titrage Français (qualité garantie). Plus d'infos